Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wild berries

A good wash before you start.

Half a glass of orange juice for aroma but also for the natural pectins which is good to thicken the marmalade!

4 parts berries,3 parts sugar

It's recomended to boil and sterilize the vases before you put the marmalade in.

Ready in about half an hour!!!!
I just recently returned from my summer vacations at Pilio!(photos soon!)
We had the most marvelous time there but the highlight was when me and my boyfriend went for a walk in the forest!Besides the running waters and small waterfalls,the gigantic trees filled with ivys, I notised that the whole place was filled with wild berry bushes!!!
Despite the thornes and the bugs we desided to pick a few and we turned to return with allmost a kilo and half of wild juicy berries!
Me and my mother desided to make a marmalade allthough i was more into a liquer.I must admit it turned out delicious,so no regrets!
It's so easy to make!We didn't follow any certain receipt, we just only did what our marmalade experience has tought us!
Looking forward to pick some more!!!

Swell Dame

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